I have never been party, so to speak, to the bizarre superstition that says you have to do something just because the Earth has gone round the Sun an exact number of times since you were born.
And I have never understood the logic that says that you must do something extra special because the number of times the Earth has gone round the Sun since you were born has got a zero at the end of it. Pay attention, People: Nothing Has Actually Happened.
And I am certainly not going to try to reason with someone who says you have to do something extra extra special because...the number of times the Earth has gone round the Sun since you were born is exactly half of the lowest number that has two zeros at the end of it. (So, let me try to get this straight anyway, I'm taking personal credit not only for the size of the Solar System but for the decimal number system too?)
But one day... when the Earth has gone round the Sun just so many times, your pension provider writes to you and says, do you want to start drawing your pension, and if not remember to let us know when you are ready...
And you think, Ah.
Counting up from the beginning was never important, but one day you are surprised to find yourself counting down...