Anyway the trick with the Fibonacci series - and I remember this from Halloway's book - is to generate the numbers in pairs, so each element contains enough information go make the next one - so if one element is [a b], the next one is [b (+ a b)]. Your vector pair is a two number wide window into the Finonacci sequence, which flows through your windows from right to left. Start with [0 1] and iterate this transformation and behold:
user=>(take 20 (iterate (fn [[a b]] [b (+ a b)]) [0 1]))
([0 1] [1 1] [1 2] [2 3] [3 5] [5 8] [8 13] [13 21] [21 34] [34 55] [55 89] [89
144] [144 233] [233 377] [377 610] [610 987] [987 1597] [1597 2584] [2584 4181]
[4181 6765])
We want only the second number from each pair to solve the puzzle, so we map second:
#(map second
(take %
(iterate (fn [[a b]] [b (+ a b)]) [0 1])))
Clojure helps us to keep this concise. It you pass a vector such as [0 1] to a function with a parameter list like [x] then x is set to the value of the vector within the body of the function, and you would have to winkle out the values 0 and 1 explicitly: however, if you change the parameter list to this [[a b]] then the vector is opened up when the function is called, and within the body of the function a will be 0 and b will be 1. You can do the same trick with other data structures.
A Palidrome detector will obviously work by comparing an object with the reverse of the object - - but hang on, take the hint - - (reverse) returns a seq - therefore you have to compare the reverse of the object with the seq of the object, like this:
#(= (reverse %) (seq %))
To work out a Factorial looks like a gift: you reduce the list of numbers from 1 to x by multiplying them together - you get the sequence of numbers from 1 to x from the function range - so factorial % comes out as
#(reduce * (range 1 %))
Wrong. Too confident. In fact the function (range) does not include its upper limit - so the factorial needs to be:
#(reduce * (range 1 (inc %)))
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