Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Evaluator with error handling

The next version allows for the fact that the core division operation can fail. The natural way to deal with this is to throw an exception and get out of the module up to a higher level. However this means that your function has not properly returned.  The other approach is to plough on to the end, taking care to avoid using anything that depends on a value you couldn't get because of the error.  Everyone has written code like this. Your execution code forks and forks again.  Or rather, everyone has a favourite strategy for avoiding writing code like this.  Subject for a later blog post I think.  Anyway, this is how we can handle the error state in our evaluator.  Intead of just returning a value A we return either the tuple {ok, A}, where A is some integer, representing a successful evaluation, or else the tuple {error, Reason} where Reason is some string explaining what the error is.

Then in the evaluator when we are passed a parameter which evaluates to an error we just pass that error back.  If we are asked to divide by zero we create the error expression.  Otherwise it is calculated as normal.  we just have to add the forks to the code to make this work, like so:

-export([answer/0, error/0]).

% evaluator with error handling

eval({con, A}) ->
    {ok, A};
eval({dv, T, U}) ->
    case eval(T) of
        {error, E} -> {error, E};
        {ok, A} ->
            case eval(U) of
                {error, E} -> {error, E};
                {ok, B} ->
                        B == 0 -> {error, "divide by zero"};
                        true -> {ok, A div B}


answer() ->
    {dv, {dv, {con, 1972}, {con, 2}}, {con, 23}}.

error() ->
    {dv, {con, 1}, {con, 0}}.

Applying the new evaluator to Answer returns the tuple {ok, 42} indicating a successfully completed computation and showing the result:  applying it to Error returns {error, "divide by zero"}.  These are both legitimate return values for the function.

1> l(eval_e).
2> eval_e:eval(eval_e:answer()).
3> eval_e:eval(eval_e:error()).
{error,"divide by zero"}

The Streets of Software City are littered with cases where the return values from a function can include values that are not just quantitively different but qualitatively different.  For example a function that is supposed to return the next character from a stream can also return an integer that is not a character because it needs to indicate the end of file somehow.  Or a function that finds the index of a character inside a string can return -1 to indicate that there is no character to find.  End-of-file is not a type of character: -1 is not an index: your return data is polluted with meta-data.  Being able to tag values and then pattern match against the tags is one way to tackle this.  In Haskell you can create types that have alternative qualitatively different values and bolt them into your type system so the code won't even compile if you haven't handled all the cases correctly.  That has to be the right way, surely?

Anyway this handles the error but has the bad effect that your code keeps forking every time you hit a function that can return the two different types of value.

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