ok another little toy: echo the command line arguments back to the terminal:-
module Main
import System.Environment(getArgs)
main = do
args <- getArgs
mapM_ putStrLn args
This time we want the function getArgs from the library System.Environment
This has type
getArgs :: IO [String]
so naturally enough we get a list of strings back when the action is performed.
The IO action that writes to the string, function putStrLn, has the type:
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()
So this takes a string and gives you back the IO action that writes to the terminal but does not return any value. We want to apply this to a list of strings and get an IO action that will write all of them to the terminal. As before this is a job for mapM_, which has the type:
mapM_ :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m ()
The (a -> m b) corresponds to our String -> IO () and the [a] bit to our [String]
I know I'm labouring this a bit but I want to get it clear in my head. So let's call the resulting program echoargs:
>ghc main.hs -o echoargs.exe
Linking echoargs.exe ...
>echoargs curly larry moe
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