For example, 1+2+34-5+67-8+9 = 100
Therefore I will want to cycle through all the possibilities for the eight operations (one between each pair of the nine numbers) - - each of which is one of plus + minus - and nothing _.
The function - er - cyclops (hee hee) will take a list of operations each expressed as a character +, - or _ in a string: is the first one is _ it changes to +, if it is + it changes it to -, and if it is - then it changes it back to _ but carried the change forward by cycling the remainder of the string.
cyclops :: String -> String
cyclops [] = []
cyclops ('_':cs) = '+':cs
cyclops ('+':cs) = '-':cs
cyclops ('-':cs) = '_' : cyclops cs
*Main Data.Char> cyclops "________"
*Main Data.Char> cyclops it
*Main Data.Char> cyclops it
Function iterate will repeat as long as we want:-
*Main Data.Char> take 20 (iterate cyclops "________")
Looking about right.
There will be 3 ** 8 different possibilities = 6561 altogether.
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